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We're proud to provide water to 80 communities across Northeast Ohio. We divide our service area into four rate zones based on distance and elevation from Lake Erie. The farther from the lake, the higher the water rate because of the increased cost to move water up and out. Use the map below to see where your home, business, or community falls in our service area and what the corresponding rate is.


Consumption Rates

  2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

City of Cleveland

0 to 0.2 MCF $23.44 $24.32 $25.23 $26.18 $27.16
Additional MCF $39.84 $41.33 $42.88 $44.49 $46.46
Homestead - All MCF $15.24 $15.81 $16.40 $17.02 17.66

Low and 1st High Service Area

0 to 0.2 MCF $30.48 $31.62 $32.81 $34.04 $35.32
Additional MCF $51.79 $53.73 $55.74 $57.83 $60.00
Homestead - All MCF $19.80 $20.54 $21.31 $22.11 $22.94

2nd High Service Area

0 to 0.2 MCF  $37.50 $38.91 $40.37 $41.88 $43.45
Additional MCF $63.77 $66.16 $68.64 $71.21 $73.88
Homestead - All MCF $24.37 $25.28 $26.23 $27.21 $28.23

3rd High Service Area

0 to 0.2 MCF $43.36 $44.99 $46.68 $48.43 $50.25
Additional MCF $73.71 $76.47 $79.34 $82.32 $85.41
Homestead - All MCF $28.18 $29.24 $30.34 $31.48 $32.66
1 MCF = thousand cubic feet = 7,480 gallons