Lead Awareness
Our customers can be confident that the water delivered to your home is safe. We take several actions to protect you and your family from the risk of lead. We also want to provide customers with information to identify lead in home plumbing and what steps to take to ensure the highest quality drinking water comes from your tap.

Check. Test. Date.
Learn how to identify lead in home plumbing and understand your exposure risk using the "Check, Test, Date" method.

Clean. Flush. Consume Cold.
Perform these actions regularly to ensure the highest quality of water is coming out of your tap, especially if there is the possibility of lead in your plumbing.

Door Notice
If Cleveland Water is working on your street, you may have received a door notice regarding lead. These notices have important information on the work performed and actions customers need to take afterward.

What We Do
Cleveland Water customers can be confident that the water delivered to your home meets all the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. We take several actions to protect you and your family from the risk of lead. Learn what we’ve been doing for the past three decades.