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A man hold a glass and fills it with water at the kitchen sink

Did you know that drinking tap water is an easy way to stay healthy, save money, and help the planet?!

Tap Water is the Healthy Choice

Proper hydration is essential for our overall health. Your body is about 60% water and every cell needs water to perform vital functions. Water regulates body temperature, removes wastes, lubricates and cushions joints, and helps brain function.

Drinking tap water is the best way to stay hydrated. Tap water is a healthier choice than flavored waters, juice, sports drinks, or soda which are high in unnecessary sugar and calories.

Tap Water is the Affordable Choice

Tap water costs much less than bottled water and other drinks. A 20 oz. bottle of water from a convenience store costs around $1.50. That same $1.50 will buy 300 gallons of Cleveland tap water! Juice, soda, and sports drinks all cost even more.

Recommendations vary depending on weight, age, and activity level, but a general guideline for how much water you should drink is 8, 8-ounce glasses each day. That's a gallon every other day.

A gallon’s worth of single-serving bottled water costs almost $9.50. That same gallon of water from your tap is less than a penny - a savings of more than $1,700 a year!

Switching from bottled, sugary drinks to tap water could save you more than $1,500 a year.

Tap Water is the Sustainable Choice

Besides saving you money, drinking tap water is better for the environment. The production, transportation, and disposal of bottled water and plastic packaging has a greater adverse environmental impact than the treatment and distribution of tap water.

The processes of bottling water and producing and transporting plastic bottles use more energy and produce greater carbon emissions than tap water systems. In addition, most single-use plastic water bottles end up in a landfill rather than being recycled.

By using a reusable bottle filled with tap water, you help reduce plastic pollution and support a less wasteful and energy-consuming process.

Tap Water is Safe

You can be confident that the water delivered to your home is safe. Year after year, we meet or exceed all required state and federal regulations for safe drinking water. Tap water is tested and regulated more frequently than bottled water and detailed testing results and other water quality data are available to the public in our annual Water Quality Report.

So cheers to tap water – the affordable, sustainable way to stay healthy and hydrated!

Affordability, Hydration