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Creating a Cleveland Water web portal account is an easy way to help you save money on your water bill.

Cleveland Water’s interactive web portal allows you to easily view actual your water usage down to the hour.

Knowing how and when you use water in your home every day is an essential step in saving water and taking control of costs.

For example, you may notice that most of your water usage occurs in the morning while you are getting ready for the day. You can use that information to take small, cost-saving steps like turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth or cutting your shower time.

Or you can invest in bigger changes, like replacing old, inefficient fixtures with newer ones. Upgrading to low-flow toilets or showerheads can significantly reduce everyday water use.

In addition, if you see an unusual spike in your water usage, or if water usage is showing at times when you aren't using water, it could be a sign of a leak. The sooner you are able to find and repair a leak the more water and money you save.

By creating a web portal account, you are automatically signed up to receive leak notifications. These can alert you to a potential issue that you may not have otherwise discovered. 
