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A residential street with a trench surrounded by construction crews and equipment

Cleveland Water has awarded over $8 million for water main replacement projects to 11 suburban service communities. These awards are part of our $25 million annual capital investment in buried infrastructure.

Twice annually, Cleveland Water awards funding for water main projects in direct service suburban cities through the Suburban Water Main Renewal Program (SWMRP). The SWMRP provides these suburbs with a mechanism to have their water mains replaced at no direct cost to them.

Since the program’s inception in 2007, Cleveland Water has facilitated substantial improvements to the water infrastructure throughout the 36 participating communities. To date, over $150 million has been invested in water main renewal and replacement.

In 2007, Cleveland Water partnered with the Suburban Water Council of Governments to launch the SWMRP to renew local water mains in direct service suburbs.

Prior to this program, suburban governments owned water mains smaller than 20 inches in their respective communities. While Cleveland Water was responsible for the maintenance and repair of broken mains, suburban communities were financially responsible for replacing or rehabilitating the infrastructure.

To join the program, suburbs must enter into a Restated Water Service Agreement (WSA) that transfers ownership of their distribution system to Cleveland Water. Cleveland Water then takes over the responsibility of making capital improvements to the water distribution system in those suburbs. Accordingly, we have committed capital funds to finance water main projects under the program.

Twice each year, eligible suburbs can submit applications for proposed projects in their community. Projects are chosen based on an objective scoring model. Criteria include main breaks, fire protection, water quality, and removal of lead service lines.

While Cleveland Water provides project funding and oversight, each local suburb usually manages the design and construction process. SWMRP funds are often used to leverage additional funding for sewer or roadway projects that are done simultaneously with the water main work.

Community Street Boundaries CWD Funding (Est.)
Cleveland Heights East Overlook Rd. Edgehill Rd. to Coventry Rd. $701,127
Cleveland Heights Superior Rd. S. Taylor to Washington Blvd. $302,139
East Cleveland Forest Hill Ave. Superior Rd. to Idlewood Ave. $305,670
East Cleveland Euclid Ave. W. Belvoir Blvd. to Noble Rd. $321,040
East Cleveland Euclid Ave. Noble Rd. to Hastings Ave. $432,621
East Cleveland Euclid Ave. Wheeler Ave. to Superior Rd. $212,220
East Cleveland Euclid Ave. Grasmere Ave. to Lee Blvd. $307,030
East Cleveland Euclid Ave. Ivanhoe Rd. to Noble Rd. $329,400
East Cleveland Euclid Ave. Hastings Ave. to Sheldon Ave. $322,040
East Cleveland Euclid Ave. Superior Rd. to Forest Hills Blvd. $159,110
Fairview Park Cromwell Ave. W. 210th St. to W. 213th St. $282,963
Fairview Park Parkwood Ave. W. 210th St. to W. 213th St. $282,963
Garfield Heights BRd.way Ave. McCracken Rd. to E. 131st St. $962,990
Lyndhurst< Glenlyn Rd. Grenleigh Rd. to Clearview Rd. $201,705
Reminderville Commodore Cove Nautilus Tr. to Nautilus Tr. $470,701
Rocky River Malvern Ave. Rockland Rd. to Wooster Rd. $296,795
Rocky River Telbir Ave. Hampton Rd. to Wooster Rd. $458,735
Shaker Heights Aldersyde Dr. Onaway Rd. to Lee Rd. $670,264
South Euclid Oakmount Rd. Mayfield Rd. to Rainbow Rd. $397,060
University Heights Traymore Rd. Hillbrook Rd. to Warren Ctr Rd. $561,509
Walton Hills Rotary Dr. Entire Length $158,000

